In 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', Robert Kiyosaki listed selling skills as the most important skill in business. To corroborate that, several great men and women such as Steve Jobs, Dale Carnegie, Joe Girard, Mary Kay, Barak Obama and even Donald Trump all had their beginnings from a selling career. This, it was much easier for them to be such exceptional administrators and business men.
Sometimes in the year 2000, I met a journalist friend who laughed it off when I told him I had joined an insurance company to sell life assurance professionally. He felt insurance is dubious and sales job is demeaning. Needless to say, he almost succeeded in derailing my nascent sales career. But I didn't listen.
Looking back, I am extremely grateful that he did not succeeded in derailing my career! Since then, my sales job has given me financial reedom, independence and the ability to create wealth whenever, even from thin air if I so choose. Yes, if you are an accomplished professional salesman, you can create wealth any time and anywhere.
The Sales profession has been one of the noblest professions for centuries. This is because, at its core, sales profession has a heart of gold which is full of compassion and unconditional love. It doesn’t create a fuss about who is embracing it as a career, and who is reaching out for help as a customer. It accepts and treats everyone with open arms, utter fairness, and complete sincerity.
Selling is serving and in life, the more you serve well, the more you sell. If you already are in a sales job or considering a career in sales, you are in a good place. Here, I have listed 10 more reasons why you should be proud of your place in a selling job or sales career.
- Sales job has no economic barrier: the more you sell, the more money you earn - unlimited income is given.
- Economic freedom and challenge: You will be free to create your own economic environment and live life on your own terms.
- Opportunities to build a vast network of customers, suppliers and referrals.
- Opportunities to receive free formal life skills training including sales skills, presentation skills, people skills, relationship skills, listening skills, networking skills, questioning skills etc
- Continuos business skills training in weekly training sessions, monthly production meetings reinforcing accountability, character-building and self-improvements.
- Personal development skills: they are taught the skills of emotional intelligence, leadership and positive mental attitudes.
- The ability to achieve goals: They are taught such goal templates as SMART principles, and are rewarded for achieving their goals with bonuses, awards, incentives including travels.
- Creativity skills: they are taught to be creative in thinking and in practical problem-solving skills.
- Likeableness: salespeople are taught to recognize that people buy from people they like, taught the art of the conversation, and how to sustain it to win more businesses.
- Moxie: salespeople are taught to have the needed confidence to speak in public, self-believe, perseverance and the determination to keep going until they succeed.
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