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Showing posts with the label money


     Studies have shown that building and maintaining resources and capabilities to assure a comfortable worry-free retirement is a constant struggle for  most people. Retirement refers to withdrawal from one’s employment position or occupation or from active working life. Retirement refers to that part of one’s  life when he or she voluntarily, or involuntarily withdraw from actively working, or from any type of labour. If planned right, retirement period is expected to be the best part of one’s life – a time devoted to leisure, and to the good pleasures of life and family – the golden age.   There are many factors that determine when an individual can retire. These factors include age, state of health, and the level of resources needed to make life comfortable in retirement. In most nations of the world, the age of 60 and above is generally viewed as a good time to retire, but some may be forced to work for longer years because of an inability to posses...

10 New Businesses you Can Combine With Your 9 - 5 Job in Nigeria

In our article  The 7 Steps to Financial Independence in a Depressed Economy , we identified Earned Income as one of the 3 income types by which smart people can ride to financial independence. The other two are Passive Income and Portfolio Income. But unless you inherit great fortunes from your parents or some rich uncle or aunts, Earned Income is your surest way to guarantee financial independence for yourself and your family. But earning great salary or wages is no guarantee that you will make it to the journey end, and neither does earning low wages enough to deny you your place in financial freedom. The key is in putting your Earned Income to use, and investing portion of that income in instruments and businesses to yield portfolio and/or passive income. In today's article, we bring you ten small businesses that you can invest in, and run while you are at your current job. E-Commerce You think of Jumia, Konga, and Deal Dey when you hear of online businesses, but t...