You have probably heard that 'nothing in life teaches better than experience'. How true! Chronicling my journey through life and career, it is amazing how time flies. But nothing beats the experience earned along the way.
In your early years, especially through the teen years to early adulthood, you are probably like me, and viewed life with a rose tinted glass. You wondered why older people are not better than what they are, until you get to their age and experience what they did. As a young worker, you wonder why your bosses are not better, richer, hotter or sexier than they are, especially in their mode of dressing, spending or eating habits.You wonder why the roads are not better than the way they are, why the government would not think of all the things that the governed want, and why all the ladies would not see the genius that you were going to be. Yes. Which you were going to become. It is the age of self absorption, and you are the center of it all. After all, you thought, life owe you the very best - best cars, houses, phones, women, yes, the best of them all - the government owed you, your parents owed you, everybody owed you, but ONLY you owe no one. Very few young people are able to realize the vanity and folly of these thoughts in time to make amends in their thoughts and the choices of lifestyle that it leads to.
With the benefits of hindsight, I cannot help thinking that the best nature could have do done for us at those age brackets is to provide us with a How-To guidebook - on Life, Career, Lifestyle, Savings, Spending, Spousal choices, Friends, preparation for Retirement, and how to achieve Financial Independence. Unfortunately, there are no such guidebooks, and the schools don't teach such things. Lucky indeed are those who were able to have the benefits of great mentors, teachers or parents!
For those who may not have had these benefits, like me then, this blog will be devoted to giving advice, tips,and information that will provide some with such a Guidebook on career choice, savings, spending, entrepreneurship and a road map to financial independence. It is a journey, and we hope that you can make it with us with steps more certain than we were able to manage. Read up all our regular updates, research on your own, and do come back often,
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