Give me a lever long enough, and a Fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the World. This is the third and conclusive part of our article of the above title. In the first and second article, we outlined the 3 ways that any owner of a small business or professional service can grow their business. In the first part, we mentioned the need to create new customers through the use of the 10 strategies discussed. You can get the full article here: In the second part, we also mentioned that you need to consciously increase the average transaction value of each of your clients. You can get the second part here: In the third part to complete your master plan to grow your small business or professional practice, you need to increase the frequency of purchase of your products or services by each of your customers. In this period of harsh economic realities, this look like a daunting task, but it really is not. Like in the first and ...